Train Ride at Griffith Park

I had the unique opportunity to take a trip to California last Friday with the EMCC cross country team (more on that in a future post).  My super awesome parents came and watched me coach and race and then I spent the rest of the weekend with them and Henry. 

To psych Henry up for his upcoming trip, I'd been telling him each day that he was going to see "Papa" soon. A few days before we headed out he started saying "Me - Papa - ChooChoo?" No idea where he got the idea, but he decided his Papa was going to take him on the Choo Choo and nothing was going to convince him otherwise. 

Lucky for Henry, his Papa loves him more than anything, and he happily obliged. After my race we drove to Griffith Park in L.A. so that Papa could take Henry on the Choo Choo. 

It was a gorgeous day, a little overcast with a slight breeze, and I simply could not stop thinking about how cute a little train video would be. 

On the advice of the Haugen Creative team ( I am in the midst of their Creative Workshop Series and loving it) I decided to pursue it as a personal project and I am so in love with the result. This was such a special moment between Henry and his Papa and if I'm being totally honest I'm pretty sure I nailed it!